This window is beautifully described by its title, it is
quite simply a shelf, but you can do far more with it than
just displaying items. To make use of it try dragging a
folder onto it, now when you click on this folder the tree
view will instantly jump to that location. The shelf
really comes into its own when you use it to access directories
that take time to locate - no more having to repeat this
type of process over and over again.
Further uses include; bookmarking favourite albums (as
well as songs) and temporarily holding a directory (like
a graphical copy before pasting) while you perform other
actions. Of course its uses are entirely up to you, treat
it as you would a shelf in your home, thankfully this one
can't come off the wall!
To add a directory or file to the shelf simply drag it
or copy and paste it there, to remove it use Cut.