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mp3ql Manual » Plugins


The player enables you to control your mp3 player remotely. Supported players are:

Further Information concerning requirements is available in the Readme, you are strongly encouraged to read this page first, as in at least two of the cases, you will need additional software installed.

The Controls

Random Random (F7) - This will randomly pick the next song to play from the currently loaded playlist.

Repeat Repeat (F8) - This will repeat the currently playing song.

Clear Clear (Ctrl + Del) - This will clear the currently loaded playlist.

Add Add (Ctrl + ) - This will add the currently selected file(s) to the playlist.

Volume Down Volume Down (Ctrl + Down) - This will lower the volume.

Volume Up Volume Up (Ctrl + Up) - This will raise the volume.

Previous Play Previous (Ctrl + Left) - This will play the previous track in the playlist.

Stop Stop (F10) - This will stop playback.

Pause Pause (F9) - This will pause playback.

Play Play (Space) - This will start playback.

Play Next Play Next (Ctrl + Right) - This will play the next track in the playlist.


You can add a playlist from the Playlist View by double clicking on it, to append it to the currently loaded playlist hold Shift and double click.

The Status Display

This displays information on the currently playing track, you can customize what is displayed here in Preferences » Player » Status Display Format (click it to view the related help page).

Related Topics

Auto Actions :: File Tools :: History :: Image Tools :: MP3 Wizard :: Player :: Trash Tools