Ordering the files - Along
the top of the window you will see that the file details
are split into columns, these columns can be used to group
the files in to an order of your choosing.
Directions: Clicking on the Track column will order the files into an ascending
list of track order, clicking on it again will order them
into a descending list.
Hiding columns - Every column
can be hidden from view, enabling you to create a layout
according to your preference.
Directions: If you would like to hide a particular
column enter the context menu and select Hide Column. To unhide a column: Enter the context
menu and select Show Column.
Saving/Loading Column Layouts
- Once you have found a column layout that suits your taste
you can save it for further use.
Directions: To save your new layout enter the
context menu and select Save Column
Layout. To load a layout enter the context menu
and select Load Column Layout.