mp3ql Manual :: Miscellaneous |
Version 0.9.44
- Playlist
- library artist items display artist name
- library album items display album name
- temporarily added a 'Refresh Statistics' item to the Library menu: recalculates item count, lengths and size of library.
- Player
- bug fixed that skipped songs sometimes
- File views
- folders icons update automatically if a directory with mp3 files is browsed that wasn't registered before
- tree view doesn't display duplicated content anymore on double open action
- small problem fixed: files without modification time don't throw exceptions anymore
- Setup
- setup wizard activated on first run for linux and mac users also
Version 0.9.4
- Setup
- setup wizard for importing mp3 files into libraries and winamp location
- preferences location determined via APPDATA environment variable
- File views
- correct behaviour after rename
- double click opens files with associated application under windows
- different icons for folder that contain mp3 files
Version 0.9.2
- Layout handling
- doesn't allow closing last window in layout)
- shelf keeps state on layout change
- editor
- self made editor replaced with scintilla editor
- playlist view
- default icon for albums without images in artist icons
- misc
- warning on missing PIL module
- context help bug fixed
- image tools context menu doesn't show convert and scale items if only mp3files selected
- image tools displays only first image, if multiple mp3files (or album/artists) are selected
- behaviour of last column in column view improved
Version 0.9.0
- General
- version number incrementation speed even more incremented :-)
- Installation
- creation of default layout folder and playlist database without confirmation
- WinAmp/XMMS player plugin activated by default on Windows/Linux
- some system paths hidden by default on Windows/Linux
- Playlist View
- new mode for libraries: artist album icons (displays all albums of an artist as his/her icon)
- bug fix: size of mp3 files displayed again after import
- fixed a unicode problem
- Layouts
- restore single layout item added to layout button context menu
- Preferences
- line edit replaced by spin box on integer value pages
- fixed dialog for preferences that expect a file path instead of directory patht
- last selected directory storage independ of tree view
- default widget size maximum set for 1024x768 screens
- Misc bug fixes
- status of view menu items diplayed correctly again
- filenames of duplicated files fixed
- empty columns dont show in detail view
- maximum column width preference works now
- directories don't expand anymore on drag move events in icon, detail and column view
Version 0.7.0
- General
- version number incrementation speed incremented :-)
- column view usable
- new Icon size added: 48x48, named SM (Small Medium)
- new default layout: columns
Version 0.6.3
- ColumnView
- displays root directory icon in path view on startup
- icon size customizable
- height adjusted when icon size changed
- loads a directory, if dropped on empty space
- History
- 'up' (select parent directory) button added to toolbar
- keyboard shortcuts for 'forward', 'backward' and 'up'
Version 0.6.1
- ID3 Tag Wizard
- warns on missing values when renaming files from tags
- more informative message when album creation failed because no single album or artists found in tag values
- warning message if album directory isn't set or doesn't exists
- Playlist View
- storages are removed immediately, if a storage directory is removed from the preference page
- question dialog that asks if the removed storage directory should also be deleted
- bugfixes on set but missing storage directories
- Window Layouts
- toplevel widgets get closed if last window in layout is closed
- ID3 Tag Editor
- saves preferences on layout change
- automatically displays selected image files in image field
- Playlists
- difference calculation threaded
Version 0.5.99
- Configurable Keyboard Shortcuts
- Player
- Volume and seek slider toolbars
- status update in main thread again
- new status format variable '%(time)s'
- seperate options for time-lcd in status- and seek-toolbar
- status refresh rate preference accepts float values
- new preference option: 'Ask For Playlist Replacement'
- adding files feedback in status bar
- XMMS-player
- switched from xmms-shell to python-xmms
- WinAmp-player
- speed improvement by loading files through SendMessage calls
- Playlists
- Storages may be renamed now
- Rating preserved on import update
- Import more failsafe
- Detail View
- size format changed (KB, MB, GB and TB suffix)
- File Views
- context submenu 'View' moved into 'File' submenu
- views refresh after change 'Show Directories' or 'Show Hidden Files/Directories'
- Shortcuts for 'Show Directories' and 'Show Hidden Files/Directories'
- Splash Screen
- new design
- verbosity increased
- Preferences
- Playlist selection page for ID3 Tag Wizard, Player and Auto Playlist preferences
- Tag Editor
- feedback in status bar on failed tag parsing
- fixed size
- Doc View
- 'Save File As ...' re-activated
- Navigation and File menu re-acticated for Preferences Dialog documents
- Forward and Backward only visible if active
- toplevel doc views height set to fullscreen height - 100
Version 0.5.97
- Player
- 'Show in Library' menu item added
- Smart Playlists
- register ratings of playlist items
- display files which are not in a library
- File Views
- 'Show in Library' context menu item in storage menus
- Reload moved into file menu, shortcut F5
- hidden preference added for auto selection of parent
directory, after directory deletion
- Tag Editor
- Cut, copy and paste keyboard shortcuts for image
- Layouts
- Tree-, Detail-, Icon- and Playlist Views, don't
get deleted on change to layout without them. Benefit:
increased switching speed and selection status is
- collapses parent splitter, if all it's children
are collapsed
- Column Layouts
- 'Show All Columns' item added to context menu
- 'Show Column' shows column to the right of clicked
- remembers column order properly now
- Player Plugin
- if plugin plays a mp3ql-playlist, it appends files
automatically to the players playlist if they are
added to the mp3ql-playlist
- new popup menu item: 'show current playlist'
- new preference 'current playlist storage': if it
contains the path to a directory of an active storage,
it adds a playlist in that storage which reflects
the player's playlist
- XMMS player
- launches on program start again
- WinAmp player
- status update moved into own thread
- bugfixes
Version 0.5.95
- Smart Playlists
- Smart Playlist Editor
- Customizable rating icon directory
- Lots of bugfixes
- Doc View
- remembers cursor position after save and reload
Version 0.5.93
- Playlists
- database format changed, playlists created with
previous versions won't work properly
- playlists, artists and albums may also be rated
- playlist export
- playlist import works partially, unable to import
playlists that contain files with unicode attributes
- playlists reflect flat mode in icon
- playlist view remembers last column layout
- size format in playlist view changed (KB, MB, GB
and TB suffix)
- keyboard shortcuts added
- bug fixes
- XMMS Player
- player status retreaval moved into a thread. i hope
that will minimize ui lags.
- Shelf
- items may be re-arranged by moving them
- General
- keyboard shortcuts work for undocked toplevel windows
- menu mess cleaned up a bit
Version 0.5.91
- Tag Editor
- bug fix: changing titles of multiple files won't
skip files with empty titles
- ID3 Tag Wizard
- First renames and then creates an album on wizard
- Deletes empty directory after album creation
- File Handler
- Status bar progress animated on file action of unknown
- Displays a message on failed file operation
- Doc View
- File menu inserted into context menu
Version 0.5.89
- Main Window
- Player
- Table View and Playlist View
- remember last column layout
- column layout fixed
Version 0.5.87
- Main Window
- active widget and selected files displayed in caption
- Player
- control toolbar may dock left or right
- Widget Layout
- seperate toolbars for widgets and layouts
- toolbar reflects collapsed status even when user
resizes widgets manually
- collapsed widgets are disabled
- Keyboard shortcut implementation started:
- All Widgets
- Open Context Menu (ALT-Space)
- Help (F1)
- Edit Actions
- Cut (CTRL-X)
- Copy (CTRL-C)
- Paste (CTRL-V)
- Clear (CTRL-K)
- Select All (CTRL-A)
- Select None (CTRL-SHIFT-A)
Version 0.5.85
- Manual Index Document added
- Player
- rate current file in popup menu
- Playlist View
- playlists are renameable
- hierarchical playlists
- playcount and last played values recorded
- rating context menu item and rating display
- seperated icon sizes for library and storages
- auto scroll while dragging
- Librarys
- libraries may be activated or deactivated in the
- context menus cleaned up
- Shelf
- list items: multiple items in one
- files may be dropped into list items
- drag move creates list item, drag copy adds each
- list items are mainly useful for copy/move operations,
they aren't saved on exit
- File Views
- duplicate file conext menu item added
- auto scroll while dragging
- variable menu icon size
Version 0.5.83
- File Tools
- work on shelf items now
- double click on text files and small files without
extension opens doc view now
- Auto Actions
- (Sub)Plugin architecture finished
- execution page finished
- Auto Playlist Action implementation started
- Doc View
- able to load simple text files now (without txt
or html suffix)
- font change menu item
- displays file name in caption
- remembers wrap option and font per mode
Version 0.5.81
- Doc View
- scrolls to top if new document is loaded
- links have to be absolute or relative to current
document now
- anchors work now
- context menu items:
- switching between rich text (view) and plain
text (edit) modes
- backward and forward
- reload
- save file
- Splash Screen
- hides on warnings and questions
- Bug Fixes
- broken image files repaired
- undocked windows keep their size and postion on
linux as well
Version 0.5.75
Version 0.5.73
- File Views
- Cut operation works now
- cutted files are moved to a temporary directory
- subsequent cuts will delete the files from the
previous cut!
- Layout Handler
- toolbar shows buttons for all windows now, sorted
by link batches
- icons for layouts moved to subdirectory icons
- new layouts got numbered icons
- Image Tools
- downscale item (32x32) added
Version 0.5.71
- Layout Handler
- Doc View
- context help menu items open document window if
none exist
- help documents are displayed in single window
- WinAmp player plugin
- raise and lower volume increment doubled
Version 0.5.7
- Playlists
- selected files are automatically loaded into the
tag editor
- File Views
- mimetype TIFF added
- icon for image files changed
- WinAmp plugin:
- adding files to playlist in thread
- BugFixes:
- All Platforms:
- next and previous image buttons in tage editor
show icon now
- Windows:
- window layouts remember visibility of windows
Version 0.5.5
- Doc View
- implementation started, works for simple html files,
even with links
- Context menu help items for the different window types
- Logging
- command line option added:
- logging-config=FILE
- default config files moved to subdirectory logging
- in debug-version, user config instead of debug.config
loaded, if present: mp3ql/logging/USERNAME.config
- Command line options
- BugFixes:
- Linux:
- XMMS player status display re-enabled
Version 0.5.3
- Playlist
- Library updates hierarchy on changes of artist or
album tags
- playlist view updates icons and tag information
if changed in tag editor
- Player Plugins
- Status Refresh Rate preference added
- WinAmp Player
- winamp path preference added
- status displays icon and customizable info
- status playlist and context menu implemented
- Status bar shows and hides automatically for progress
display if user preference is to hide it
- BugFixes:
- Windows:
- status bar progress bar show now
Version 0.5.1
- Status Bar
- showing it works now
- visibility displayed in View menu
Version 0.5.0
- Player
- status in it's own toolbar
- status display format configurable
- playlist popup for player status
- select current file from player status
- Window Layout
- new widgets connect to widgets in same splitter
- bug fixed: tag editor now uncollapsible via toolbar
- Databes icon caching for configurable directories
Version 0.4.9
- Playlists
- threaded import
- open/close/expand/collapse context menus
- icon sizes seperately adjustable for artist and
album nodes
- playlists remember open status
- two display modes: flat and hierarchical
- Status Bar
- multiple progress bars for multiple tasks
- possibility to cancel task
- Simple icon caching
Version 0.4.3
- Playlists implementation started
- requires now an installed ZODB (>= 3.3 ?)
- AutoActions implementation started
- Layout handling
- Default layouts (initial installation and recovering)
- Current layout reflected in it's toolbar button's
- ID3 Tag Editor
- resizes to 0 instead of closing on cancel
- ugly looking toolbar buttons replaced
- titlecase problem fixed (*'T, *'S)
- ID3 Tag Wizard
- New option: Move new albums
- Operates also on directories
- Reads preferences from old versions on first run of
a newer version
- Toolbars improved
- Application remembers preferred toolbar icon size
- Icon sizes [small, large] stored in hidden preferences
- Default icon sizes reduced (from [22x22, 32x32]
to [16x16,22x22])
- Context Menus improved
- Rename file item
- Image Tool
- more downscale items (64x64, 128x128, 256x256)
- Make directory icon (copies a scaled version
of the selected image to .directory.png and creates
a .directory file referencing it)
- Pictures from album directories can be any image format
- Logging
- Loglevels, formats, handlers, etc. configurable
via the logging module
- Console colorized
- File handling
- Progress Dialog appears when moving/copying many
- Lots of bugfixes
Version 0.4.1
- WinAmp player plugin added
- context menu item for file containers added:
- hide (adds path to hidden dirs or files)
- context menu item for shelf added:
- paste (adds item to shelf or copies it to selected
- popup menus for layout toolbar buttons added:
- delete layout (deletes the selected layout)
- new layout (creates a new layout)
Version 0.4.0
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